
Salt Lake’s 6 Favorite Breakfast Spots

Over easy or scrambled?

That’s the question. If you aren’t there early on the weekends, and even some weekdays, you could be waiting a while at some of Salt Lake’s favorite breakfast places. Also, once 10 am hits, you’re technically at brunch. Right? Or is it when they start serving mimosas? We’ll leave that up to you to answer. There are a lot of great places to enjoy the most important meal of the day in the Salt Lake Valley, but over the last month, we asked you narrow down your favorite places. Whether you’re the traditional eggs, bacon, and hash browns (maybe with a side of pancakes) person or a breakfast burrito eater or even the yogurt with granola type, here’s where the capital city likes to eat breakfast.

We polled hundreds of people and here’s what they thought:

6. Blue Plate Diner

5. Original Pancake House

4. The Park Café

All American breakfast feat not @juddcolby

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3. Ruth’s Diner

2. Penny Ann’s Cafe

1. Black Bear Diner

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Honorable Mentions (these are some Salt Lake favorites that would grieve us not to point out)

Sweet Lake Biscuits & Limeade

You can now enjoy your favorite mint limeade anytime you want! #girlvsfoodslc #slceats @sweetlakelimeade

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Eggs in the City

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Pig in a Jelly Jar

•Dee’s Family Resturant

Missing my family so came to an old family favorite spot

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Of course we all have our favorites, but if there are any spots

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