
Stupid Is, Stupid Does

Tinder — Stock Photo

If you thought that you have had the worst tinder date of all time you are wrong! An Oregon man had more than his heart stolen after planning a meetup with a woman he from, Tinder, an online dating site. The man ended up alone nude and robbed at a Springfield motel after the woman took his clothing, wallet and cellphone. Police say the man had been speaking with a woman who called herself Lacey for about two months over the internet and text messages before they finally arranged to meet Tuesday. She told him to leave the door unlocked and that she would be there shortly. He then decided to take a shower while he waited for her to arrive. When he emerged from the shower he found all of his belongings were gone. The man told police he didn’t know “Lacey’s” last name. When he tried to show officers her Tinder profile, she had already deleted her account. Talk about the worst date of all time!


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